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CO₂ footprint Mateboer Groep B.V. TOTAAL 2022
Theme CO₂ emission factor CO₂ equivalent
CO₂ Scope 1
Natural gas for heating Fuels & heat 15.847 m3 2,09 kg CO₂ / m3 33,0 tonnes CO₂
Natural gas used for production Fuels & heat 20,0 m3 2,09 kg CO₂ / m3 0,0417 tonnes CO₂
Passenger car (in litres) gasoline Business traffic 55.139 litre 2,78 kg CO₂ / litre 154 tonnes CO₂
Passenger car (in litres) diesel Business traffic 26.264 litre 3,26 kg CO₂ / litre 85,7 tonnes CO₂
Delivery van (in litres) gasoline Business traffic 351 litre 2,78 kg CO₂ / litre 0,977 tonnes CO₂
Delivery van (in litres) diesel Business traffic 36.398 litre 3,26 kg CO₂ / litre 119 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 392 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Scope 2 and business travel
Self generated electricity - solar Electricity 4.360 kWh 0 kg CO₂ / kWh 0 tonnes CO₂
Electricity project locations Electricity 72.408 kWh 0,523 kg CO₂ / kWh 37,9 tonnes CO₂
Purchased electricity Electricity 138.764 kWh 0,523 kg CO₂ / kWh 72,6 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity from biomass Electricity 2.329 kWh -0,481 kg CO₂ / kWh -1,12 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity - wind power Electricity 132.828 kWh -0,523 kg CO₂ / kWh -69,5 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity - hydro power Electricity 1.552 kWh -0,523 kg CO₂ / kWh -0,812 tonnes CO₂
Of which green electricity - sun power Electricity 3.201 kWh -0,523 kg CO₂ / kWh -1,67 tonnes CO₂
Heat (from heat network) Fuels & heat 139 GJ 26,8 kg CO₂ / GJ 3,73 tonnes CO₂
Charge cards road transport (market mix) Business traffic 12.721 kWh 0,427 kg CO₂ / kWh 5,43 tonnes CO₂
Declared km private car Business traffic 61.905 km 0,193 kg CO₂ / km 11,9 tonnes CO₂
Subtotal 58,5 tonnes CO₂
CO₂ Emissions 450 tonnes CO₂