Milieubarometer implements new environmental prices of CE Delft
This year, the new environmental prices that CE Delft published in 2023 have been implemented in the Envirometer. This way we ensure that the tool remains up to date with developments in science and politics. But why is this important? And what exactly are the environmental prices?

Implementing the new environmental prices ensures that the graphs shown in the Envirometer are based on current scientific insights. By implementing the new environmental prices, organizations can continue to set the right priorities in their sustainability actions based on the environmental graph and CO2 graph.
But what about environmental prices? What do they tell? And how do these translate into an insightful environmental graph? We would like to tell you more about how the environmental score in the Environmental Barometer works and how environmental prices influence this.
What are the environmental prices?
The environmental price is the price in euros for the emission of one extra kilogram of pollutant (such as NOx or particulate matter). The various pollutants affect the environmental quality. Environmental quality can deteriorate in the form of the greenhouse effect, eutrophication of the land or depletion of the ozone layer.
These effects harm human health, ecosystems and natural resources. Environmental prices make it possible to attach a value to this and thereby identify environmental damage. The Environmental Barometer visualizes the environmental damage of business activities using environmental prices.

This makes it clear in a graph where the greatest environmental impact of your business operations is, or where you as an organization can make the biggest difference.
Why are environmental prices periodically adjusted?
The environmental prices are re-established every five to six years for all harmful substances by CE Delft. At the beginning of 2024, the environmental prices in the Environmental Barometer were adjusted to the environmental prices of 2023. The reason why the environmental prices have changed has three causes.
- Firstly, there is new knowledge about the relationships between substances and their damage to the environment and health.
- Secondly, the valuation of environmental damage changes. Some environmental problems are becoming more socially urgent or less important, we are willing to do more to solve or prevent this damage.
- Finally, environmental prices are also affected by inflation.
This is reflected in the environmental prices and is part of the environmental score in the environmental graph of the Environmental Barometer. Would you like to know more about how environmental prices work? Then read more in the CE Delft manual.
An environmental score based on current scientific insights?
The Environmental Barometer is not just an instrument with which you can map your organization’s CO2 emissions. Thanks to the environmental graph, you get a more complete picture of the environmental impact that your organization causes. The Environmental Barometer is continuously updated and will therefore remain the tool for effective sustainability in the future. Because the right data ensures the right actions.
Would you like to get started? We are happy to help you map your environmental impact and CO2 emissions.
Are you already a user of the Envirometer?
Would you like to know more about how this update will affect the environmental graph of your organization? Then read more in this in-depth article.

Get started with the Envirometer
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Yearly update CO2-factors february 2024
The annual update of the CO2 emission factors took place on January 22, 2024 All changes were implemented in the Envirometer on February 5. It is useful for Milieubarometer users to know the most important changes.

Case story: Zeelandia used the Envirometer internationally
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Free sumbarometer with a subscription for two or more barometers
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